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6 - 9




11.15am - 12.45pm

About the Course

The ONLINE Raben are 7-9 years old and in Year 2, 3 or Year 4 at their English school. The ONLINE Raben are very active and creative, and are already writing their own short texts about their ONLINE Saturday school adventures. They read short stories and now know the German sounds and letters. Here, too, the focus is on enjoying the topic and the language together.

The ONLINE Raben have German as their mother tongue and the lessons are held exclusively in German.

This group is limited to 6 participants.

Cost Per Term (Autumn/Spring/Summer)

£160 / £140 / £100

Your Teacher

Bettina Schock

Bettina Schock

Bettina is an experienced Saturday School teacher. She has been teaching young children at the Saturday School Leicester for nearly a decade, and
since 2020 online as well. Bettina has recently won an award from the Association of German Saturday Schools UK (VDSS) for her interactive and creative lessons.

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